Facebook disables another 3 billion fake profiles

According to facebook's latest Enforcement report
It was estimated that for every 10,000 times people viewed content on Facebook,

  • 25 views contained content that violated it's violence and graphic content policy.
  • 25 views contained content that violated it's  violence and graphic content policy.
  • Less than three views contained content that violated each policy.

In a call with reporters,  Chief executive Mark Zuckerberg hit back against numerous calls to break up Facebook, arguing its size made it possible to defend against the network's problems.

"I don't think that the remedy of breaking up the company is going to address [the problem]," he said.

"The success of the company has allowed us to fund these efforts at a massive level. I think the amount of our budget that goes toward our safety systems... I believe is greater than Twitter's whole revenue this year."

How much content we took action on because it violated our Community Standards. Our actions include

  • Removing the content
  • Applying a warning screen to the content and Disabling accounts. 

  Fake Accounts
 The report also stated that more than 3 billion accounts were disabled between october 2018 and march 2019.

Over 95% of the content were taken action on before anybody reported it.

In the first quarter if 2019, 4 million hate speech posts were taken down and  efforts are still being made in order to invest in technology to expand their abilities to detect any mallacious content across different languages


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